Tuesday 10 November 2015

Why Christmas should be band

Why Christmas should be banned

Christmas should be banned because it is a waste of money and time. We have not got a lot of money in this world and we waste it all at Christmas every year by buying presents for everyone for basically no reason at all. We get presents on our birthday let alone Christmas. Can anyone tell me the real reason for Christmas that does not believe in god???

My Mum and Dad spend 100s on Christmas every year. The only reason for Christmas is to spend time with family and that's what we do at my  house and my friends houses as well. We are all lucky to have someone why do we need presents they are only a bonus.

The only people are the orphans and the people in the hospital like hospice and in the children's hospital.
We really should not have Christmas this year it has no purpose what so ever and by the Jesus birthday is not even on that day it is somewhere in November not December so yeah. There is no point to Christmas at all other than to spend time with family which we can do any day of the week or month or even year.

All of that is the truth even the Jesus bit his    birthday is in November some where not December.
So there is no point to Christmas any more if there is one it should be in November.That is the end of my blog.

Monday 19 October 2015

When the earthquake struck...

When the earthquake struck…

I was doing my work at 2:15pm on Wednesday 2 of December when there was a sudden rumble so I thought maybe someone's hungry.

When there was a giant shake it was a  9.3 earthquake Mr Wynne  yelled earthquake everyone went under the tables but one person it was Jamie.

There was no room under the tables he was in the middle of the classroom then some of the roof almost fell on Jamie then. Mr Wynne jumped and hit the bit of roof to the other side of the room it smashed against the

wall. Everyone was scared but then the Earthquake stopped everyone was getting out from under the tables. When an aftershock started Mr Wynne shouted Get back under the tables the aftershock was worse than the 

actual earthquake it was a 10  Mr Wynne was fine  under the door frame because the door had swung off its hinges in the previous earthquake. There was screaming all around in the other classes. 

Everyone was even more freaked out then before the class was now quiet but the earthquake still going like car engine at top speed. The world went black for everyone…

Then I awoke at hospital with nurses and doctors around every one. I sat up a bit they were talking about the earthquake they saw me then I awoke for real.

I thought it was all a dream but I woke up in the ruins of the school all around it was real the earthquake just ended.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

A good deed

A good deed

What we could do to affect the Waikanae community?

I think a good deed we could do is ask pak n save to sponsor us and give us a heap of bread and sausages and also ask the warehouse to sponsor us and give us a BBQ and two gas tanks and we could give out sausage sizzles at the park in waikanae.We could also have a day where the kids and adults of Waikanae could go to waikanae park and have a fun day sponsored by pak n save with ice cream cotton candy and sausage sizzle. It would be a fun day in my opinion.We could also have a free day at the pool with the hydro slide as well and the inflatables out for a day I think it would be very fun and there would be free food when you were out of the water like a BBQ for free and some games like races across the the inflatables and give out prizes in contests the places would go up to fourth and there would be swimming races for little and big kids also for adults 1 lengths 2 lengths and 3 lengths as well it would be very fun and I think many people would love it and there would be free drinks as well it would be sponsored by pak n save and the where house and it would be good fun for every one there I hope my idea gets chosen.

Wednesday 12 August 2015

What topic would we not teach at school in fifty years?

What topic would we not teach at school in fifty years?

Hm I wonder what topic will we not teach at school in fifty years? Lets see it could be it could maths writing reading or art well do you think it would be? I think it will be maths because we have calculators and computers to do the maths for us so what's the point of learning it and if there is a power cut we have got phones we can use those.I mean in fifty years we might not even need to charge our phones or laptops and our computers will probably be wire less and use wire less so what is the point of maths we will not need math it will be a thing of the past like Albert Einstein and Abraham Lincoln and what they did is not really not important now in this time so who will need math with all the electronic stuff we have got in this time and we with all the computers laptops and phones with 
calculators on them and just calculators so I think my point is clear just one last thing to make my point one bit more one hundred and fifty years or so ago they use to teach horse riding and how to shot a gun and if you asked one of the teachers they would of said they would never stop teaching how to shot a gun and horse riding but look now it is not taught at school. So in fifty years time I think that we won’t teach maths even though ours might think different to me we will see we will see...

Wednesday 29 July 2015

What should we have at the end of the term that is not technology day?

What should we do at the end of the this term?

What I think we should do on the last day of term instead of technology day.

I think we should have a day where we can go to the park or play at school doing what we want to do as long as we don’t hurt each other or misbehave but we can’t go on the computers unless we are doing work or getting ready for some thing to do with school work that is very important and can not wait till the holidays.
At the park you can play on the playground or a sports game with others.At school you can play games with your friends watch a movie or do art of your choice and you can play board games as well. But if you be naughty you have to do work on some work the teacher gives you until the teacher says you can play again.But you can also wear you pyjamas to school that day as well but if you don’t want to you don’t have to wear your pyjamas as well.So in conclusion I think that we should have a pyjamas and play at the park as well as a movie on with art and board games but no computers unless doing work. So I hope my one is picked because I think my day would be very fun to do and if my day is chosen I hope others enjoy it to. By Tabitha

Wednesday 10 June 2015

What is an acceptable amount of time to spend looking at a screen?

I think that kids should be able to have as many  hours as the mum and dad say a day like then play the rest of the day even if it is on you tube but this chart  does not say that different:
WOW that's a lot of time on t.v laptops + PC smart phone and tablet

Here are the highest ones for each:

TV is the UK with 148 .Laptop + PC is China with 161. Smartphone Nigeria with 193. Tablet Philippines with 115,

That is not really that surprising because I have a laptop phone and T.V but no PC or tablet although kids have been taken over by tech these days so here is a video to watch:
That video was very inspiring for me so I hope that you do what that video said if you watched it and if you didn’t do watch it  that video tells the truth.But with the suit able amount of tech time really depends on the kind of parent you are so if you let your kid on tech the whole day or half of an hour it is just the kind of parent you are if any thing at all I mean some times I could been on the a laptop all day or a few hours some days I do not go on a laptop at all.So  to conclued  I think that the amount of time on a chore book or laptop really depends on what type of perent you are.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Should we change the New Zealand flag or not and why?

Should we change the New Zealand or not and why?

I think the New Zealand flag should be changed to look like this:

so that it shows what NZ is.
The clock represents the Māori side of New Zealand.The fern is the sports side of New Zealand.The island is us.The kiwi is one of our native animals. When the New  Zealand is changed if it does get changed at all I do think it should look like that with the New Zealand jack on it as a back ground of the flag.The flag now looks like this:
This is what it looks like now and it does not no way represent NZ only the with the NZ jack.This flag does not have the things my flag does other than the NZ jack and it looks like Australia flag as well which we don’t  want do we to look like another county we are own county.This Australian flag see that they look the same other than the two stars extra on the flag. So in conclusion I really do think we need to change the New Zealand flag so that we look like our own county not someone else’s. australia.gif
Also this is the Fijian flag and it only has the New Zealand jack as well which seems to be a popular star shaped thing so far used by three different  countries on the flag.
All three have the jack and so I say change the New Zealand flag.

Thursday 14 May 2015

What sound annoys me the most?and why

What sound annoys you the most? Why does it annoy you? 
How could you stop it?

What sound annoys me the most? The sound I annoys me the most is high pitched noises no particular high pitched noise because they really hurt my ears a lot and I hear high pitched noises everywhere I go well some of the time but not all the time. Why high pitched noises annoy me? High pitched noises are annoying because they are loud and really hurt people's ears even if it does not last that long compared to other times where it is way louder and way higher then other times. How to  stop high pitched sounds? I do not know how to stop high pitched noises because you can not stop high pitched noises because they are everywhere literally everywhere so you can not stop high pitched noises.The high pitched noise I hate the most is when you run chalk along the chalk chalkboard and makes the annoying squeaking sound and the sound of a school bell when you in front of you or beside you because it is really loud and hurts people's ears all of the time at school.But with all the the high pitched noise will always hurt my ears all the time in school at home and on the street and in the supermarket every where.I don't know how to stop high pitched noises and I think that you can not stop high pitched noises even if you try. 

Tuesday 5 May 2015

What do you think the biggest problem in the world is and how do you fix it?

   What do I think the biggest problem in the world is?

Example of cruelty to animals:A person is walking along and sees a dog and just randomly out of nowhere just picks the dog up and spins it around and around until the dog gets dropped and left there.Ex 2:A cat is sleeping on the porch and someone catnapped and killed the cat.

Ex 3:Someone has a pet mouse and did not feed or look after it.Ex 4:There is a fish in a bowl and takes it out and leaves it on a bench to die.

Ex 5:A person is sitting down outside and a bird flys on to there lap and they trap it and it dies because it is a wild bird.

Ex 6:You are sitting there with your pet rat and someone takes it away and you cry because they make you watch it die by suffocating it when they take it away from you.

I think that biggest problem in the world is all the people that are cruel to animals that get away with it as well as the ones that get charged with cruelty to animals.I think that if we could make sure that the animals got a good home then have a background check on them ask if they have had a pet before and if they have what it was and its name also if it is still alive or dead.
So they way to stop cruelty to animals is to love them and take care of them.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

What are three things I would save if my house was on fire? And why?

What are three things I would save if my house was on fire? And why? I would not save anything because fire grows fast, smoke fills the house fast, so you only have a small amount of time left to escape the house. The first rule of fire safety is get down, get low, get out fast. The second rule is shout fire so that everybody in the house knows to get out fast and the third rule is close doors as you pass them so that the fire can’t breath and so won’t grow or spread as fast and the last rule is do not save anything at all or you could get trapped in the fire and die. So when in a fire remember four things get down, get low, get out, shout fire to let everyone else know there is a fire, shut the door you pass and do not save anything at all. When you get out meet at the meeting area that your family has practised drills for, and wait there. Your parents will check everyone is there. It is important to be safe rather than greedy when it comes to fire, because you can buy more stuff, but you can’t replace family, and you definitely can’t replace yourself. And I don’t want to end up in hospital with burns all over.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Camp Year 7

On Monday 2 of March year 7's and 8's are going to camp the camp is called Curious Cove. I am very excited about camp because I have never been there before, fishing, canoeing, swimming, sleeping in a cabin, flying fox, athletics and to dive of a doc eating my scroggin. What  I am not looking forward to is The run around in the morning, getting broad on the boat ride there and back, the hiking. All term we have been working on are scrapbooks for camp and transport to the ferry also what groups we are in for the activities at camp. When we go to camp I hope I that I have a lot of fun. I hope I wake up on time because we wake at seven o'clock in the morn and go to bed a nine thirty. I have packed my bag and I know I have not forgot anything and I love camping. I have never been on a boat before so the boat trip will be a good experience for me. I will miss mum and dad nikitah and codey but I know it will be fun.