so that it shows what NZ is.
The clock represents the Māori side of New Zealand.The fern is the sports side of New Zealand.The island is us.The kiwi is one of our native animals. When the New Zealand is changed if it does get changed at all I do think it should look like that with the New Zealand jack on it as a back ground of the flag.The flag now looks like this:
This is what it looks like now and it does not no way represent NZ only the with the NZ jack.This flag does not have the things my flag does other than the NZ jack and it looks like Australia flag as well which we don’t want do we to look like another county we are own county.This Australian flag see that they look the same other than the two stars extra on the flag. So in conclusion I really do think we need to change the New Zealand flag so that we look like our own county not someone else’s. 
Also this is the Fijian flag and it only has the New Zealand jack as well which seems to be a popular star shaped thing so far used by three different countries on the flag.
All three have the jack and so I say change the New Zealand flag.
Great blog Tabitha - you have made some good comparisons and I like the way you put the three flags up to show how similar they are. I also liked your own version of the flag - that's some good thinking going on.