Wednesday 26 August 2015

A good deed

A good deed

What we could do to affect the Waikanae community?

I think a good deed we could do is ask pak n save to sponsor us and give us a heap of bread and sausages and also ask the warehouse to sponsor us and give us a BBQ and two gas tanks and we could give out sausage sizzles at the park in waikanae.We could also have a day where the kids and adults of Waikanae could go to waikanae park and have a fun day sponsored by pak n save with ice cream cotton candy and sausage sizzle. It would be a fun day in my opinion.We could also have a free day at the pool with the hydro slide as well and the inflatables out for a day I think it would be very fun and there would be free food when you were out of the water like a BBQ for free and some games like races across the the inflatables and give out prizes in contests the places would go up to fourth and there would be swimming races for little and big kids also for adults 1 lengths 2 lengths and 3 lengths as well it would be very fun and I think many people would love it and there would be free drinks as well it would be sponsored by pak n save and the where house and it would be good fun for every one there I hope my idea gets chosen.

Wednesday 12 August 2015

What topic would we not teach at school in fifty years?

What topic would we not teach at school in fifty years?

Hm I wonder what topic will we not teach at school in fifty years? Lets see it could be it could maths writing reading or art well do you think it would be? I think it will be maths because we have calculators and computers to do the maths for us so what's the point of learning it and if there is a power cut we have got phones we can use those.I mean in fifty years we might not even need to charge our phones or laptops and our computers will probably be wire less and use wire less so what is the point of maths we will not need math it will be a thing of the past like Albert Einstein and Abraham Lincoln and what they did is not really not important now in this time so who will need math with all the electronic stuff we have got in this time and we with all the computers laptops and phones with 
calculators on them and just calculators so I think my point is clear just one last thing to make my point one bit more one hundred and fifty years or so ago they use to teach horse riding and how to shot a gun and if you asked one of the teachers they would of said they would never stop teaching how to shot a gun and horse riding but look now it is not taught at school. So in fifty years time I think that we won’t teach maths even though ours might think different to me we will see we will see...